APA Voting Help

APA Voting has begun, and I am reaching out to members across the country to help get votes cast.  On Friday, January 2, 2015 an email was sent from noreply@directvote.net to members with a link that contains an APA Member Number and Election Passcode. If you did not receive this email or it was buried in your email inbox please see below for instructions. You may also want to search your email for the following subject line text: “Vote in the APA 2015 National Election.” APA also plans to send an email with voter instructions on January 8, January 15, January 22, and January 30.

In the event you did not receive the email from directvote.net it is possible your email address is incorrect at the APA. In this case there are remedies. These remedies include a policy that includes the mailing of paper ballots to email addresses that “bounce.” Since bounced email can occur for any number of reasons and servers can return email as bounced in an infinite number of ways, I recommend you call APA to correct the problem. Speak with APA directly at the numbers and/or email given below.
The deadline for voting is February 2, 2015, 11:59 pm EST.

Link to Vote:  https://www.directvote.net/APSYA/

APA direct
CALL: 703-907-8527
EMAIL: election@psych.org

Support offered by the vote vendor which is called DirectVote for APA
For technical support (available Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Central
Time, USA, excluding holidays), please call 952-974-2339 or
email to: support@directvote.net.

If you were unable to vote, please send me a note so I can report this. Click here to send me a message.

What the screens looks like:

Login Screen for Voting Process

I encourage members to make every effort to vote in this election. If you know of members that did not receive the voter email from APA, please share this website with them so they too may have the opportunity to be heard.



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